
accidental gods gatherings

online short courses for 2024

Facing Fear

An Experiential Gathering

Sunday 7th April 2024

We are daily fed reasons to be fearful. In a world of cataclysmic transition/transformation, when all the myths of our culture are falling away, it’s easy to give way to the doomscrolling and the prophecies of disaster – to teeter on the edge of paralysing fear that undermines our sense of self and our ability to show up in the world the way we want. It’s easy to fall into an endless loop where being afraid of being afraid is a self-perpetuating cycle.

But Fear is not bad in itself: in the right place and the right time it’s what keeps us alive when we might otherwise rush headlong into danger.

What’s hard – what’s sapping our resilience now – is the constant fear of things just around the corner – things we can’t see and can’t touch and over which we have no control – this kind of fear isn’t useful at all.

Denial is not a good strategy though, and suppression doesn’t work. So how do we find the balance between acknowledging our healthy fears while reaffirming the wonder of life so that we can bring the best of ourselves to the table?

No experience expected or required.

Finding your Soul’s True Purpose

An Experiential Gathering

Sunday 23rd June 2024

What is your soul’s purpose?
Do you know what it is you came here to do? Has it become the driver for every part of your life?
If you do have a sense of purpose, do you have strategies to stay true to it when the world is clamouring for your time and attention?
In this gathering we will explore how we might recognise our purpose calling to us through the fog of daily life.

Through meditations, visualisations and small group sharing, we will develop a felt sense of our calling so that we can tap into it whenever life feels as if it’s pushing us off track.

No experience expected or required.

Brightening your suns, polishing your shields, deepening your roots

An Experiential Gathering

Sunday 28th July 2024

We know that we are embodied energy, but sometimes the embodying is difficult to bring into being: the craziness of our world can knock us off balance, rip out our roots, push up against our shields and muddy our suns (also known as our chakras).

This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to reconnect with their essential energy and discover ways to maintain the integrity of our energy systems.

In this four hour online Gathering we will explore:

–  How to walk through the world with clean, clear and healthy boundaries
–  How to harmonise the energies at our core
–   How to balance our suns, clean out the unwanted energies and then make sure that our shields let out what we choose to let out and let in what we choose to let in
–  How to make – and then trust – those choices
–  How to truly become the Hollow Bone, joining the Heart of the Earth to the Heart-mind of the Universe through our own hearts, in a way that keeps us fully vibrant

We’ll explore different techniques for assessing the current balance/imbalance of our suns and shields and then for clearing/cleaning and re-balancing to bring them into dynamic harmony. We’ll look at ways to ensure that’s what’s ours stays ours and how we can remain resilient in the face of other energies.

This Gathering is intended primarily for those who are members of Accidental Gods or who are engaging with the practices of Dreaming Awake, but if you’re interested in coming along and you’re not already a part of these, please be familiar with the concept of suns (chakras) as a baseline.

No experience expected or required.

New Gatherings added regularly


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