
#Bonus  Meditation for the Winter solstice of 2023 with Manda Scott

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Here is our winter solstice meditation – please create a space for yourself where you won’t be disturbed and where you can feel your way into the dark, regenerative space of the longest night. If you want to draw the curtains, switch off all the power and light a candle, this may help you to connect with the place of rest and renewal.

Episode #Bonus winter solstice meditation

You’ll find a number of versions of different lengths below – with or without music in the background.

If you are in the southern hemisphere and would rather experience a meditation for the height of the sun and the bright time of the longest day, that’s at the foot of the links.

Winter Solstice meditation – 17 minutes With Music

Winter Solstice meditation – 17 minutes Without Music

Winter Solstice meditation – 22 minutes With Music

Winter Solstice Meditation: 22 minutes Without Music

Winter Solstice Meditation: 27 minutes With Music

Winter Solstice Meditation: 27 minutes Without Music

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