
Welcome to Accidental Gods –  the podcast where we believe that another world is still possible, and that together, we can create a future we’d be proud to leave to the generations that come after us.

Our aim is to provide the tools we could ever need to understand the potential of this moment – and ourselves within it.

In a world where ideas grow faster than anything, we curate the cutting edge of neuroscience and psycho-technologies, connected spirituality and resilience, politics, philosophy and human creativity so that together, in all our diversity, we can choose a different future.

We’re giving voice to those at the leading edge of change so that we can all learn new ways to be, to live, to create community and to co-create world where people and planet flourish and we live as integral threads in the web of life.

*NEWS FLASH *  Manda’s latest novel,  ANY HUMAN POWER was published on 30th May



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#244  Earth and Soul: Reconnecting Amid Climate Chaos with Leah Rampy

What can we do that will actually serve the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. But how do we get there? How do we open the doors to possibility so that we can shift from the disconnection of our culture to a path of real heart-mind connection to the web of life?

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#243  Creating Quantum Theatre: radical story-becoming to change the world with Jenifer Toksvig 

Humanity is a storied species – everything we do from forming partnerships, to buying stuff, to moving house, to getting a new job… arises from the stories we tell ourselves and each other about ourselves and each other. If we’re going to shift to a new way of being, the route will be led by the stories we can build of how it will look and feel, how we’ll be more alive, more connected, have a deeper sense of being, belonging, becoming…

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#242  The Tools we Need: Raising the Collaborative Commons with Resilience Strategist Michael Haupt

We’re in late stage capitalism, surrounded by interconnected systems that are crumbling under our feet. IF we’re going to birth something new, we need concrete, real-world tools: actual practical bridges that will work *now* to bridge from the old to the new. Resilience Strategist Michael Haupt is building these tools and shares them with us.

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#241  How the System is Slaying Us and What to Do About It: Getting Healthy in Toxic Times with Dr Jenny Goodman

How does our increasing destruction of the earth’s biosphere also impact our health? What diseases are we seeing in almost pandemic proportions and how much younger are the people in whom we’re seeing them? Above all, what can we do to step away from the system that’s extracting everything from us – our health, our futures and our potential to be good ancestors?

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Election Special #4  What is Governance for and how can we shape genuine democracy – with Glen Weyl of the Plurality Institute

If the current electoral/governance system is not fit for purpose (and who could possibly imagine it was?) how can we lay the foundations for new ways of organising democracy, new ways of voting, new ideas of what governance is for and how it could work in the twenty-first century. How, in short, do we create space for future generations to be able to decide their own futures in ways that are not constrained by material or political strictures they’ve inherited from us?

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#240  Beautiful Trouble – crafting a political Alternative – and an independent Scotland – with Indra Adnan and Pat Kane 

The question of how we reshape democracy, walking the fine line between stagnation and populist rage – is the defining problem of our time – with a coherent strategy, we can shape anything. In its absence, we’re going to end up spinning in pointless circles, arguing about trivia while the world burns.

We set this podcast up months ago, thinking we’d talk about the example Scotland sets for the UK and the rest of the world as a way *maybe) to shape democracy. And then Nicola Sturgeon stepped down and Scotland fell into the kind of turmoil I thought only impacted England. And then the turmoil in England sparked a general election. So now we’re talking about how we can use this moment to affect the digital, distributed democracy that we need with two of the smartest people in our eco-system: Indra Adnan and Pat Kane of The Alternative.

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#239  Taking back the Power: Weaning ourselves off fossil fuels and onto the good stuff with Howard Johns of OneZero

Today we’re blowing open a route towards energy security, reduced carbon footprint and saving money – all in the way we make, distribute and use power. If each of us could minimise our own power use, we’d be a step on the way to reducing our overall carbon footprint: more, we’d be changing the ways we think of ourselves as separate from the web of life.

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#238  The Jay, The Beech and The Limpetshell with author Richard Smyth

Today we speak to the author of The Jay, the Beech and the Limpetshell – a work that is both memoir and a eulogy for a dying world. It brings together Richard’s passionate love of the natural world with his care for his two young children and considers how we help the generations that come after us to fall in love with a world that is going to be so, so different from when we were young – however old you are now, whatever your memories.

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#237  Answers to the Questions of life: Biomimicry, Complexity and Peacebuilding with Dr Deborah Benham

Deborah Benham is a trained Biomimicry Educator and with a background in Jon Young’s Deep Nature Connection work. She shares a practical, experiential lived and living toolkit to help us build thriving human societies, cultures, communities and businesses, designing with and as nature, creating mutual benefit for all life, using tech in life affirming ways, and uplifting justice, kindness and cooperation.

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