Welcome to Accidental Gods – the podcast where we believe that another world is still possible, and that together, we can create a future we’d be proud to leave to the generations that come after us.
Our aim is to provide the tools we could ever need to understand the potential of this moment – and ourselves within it.
In a world where ideas grow faster than anything, we curate the cutting edge of neuroscience and psycho-technologies, connected spirituality and resilience, politics, philosophy and human creativity so that together, in all our diversity, we can choose a different future.
We’re giving voice to those at the leading edge of change so that we can all learn new ways to be, to live, to create community and to co-create world where people and planet flourish and we live as integral threads in the web of life.
*NEWS FLASH * Manda’s latest novel, ANY HUMAN POWER was published on 30th May

For a regular supply of ideas about humanity's next evolutionary step, insights into the thinking behind some of the podcasts, early updates on the guests we'll be having on the show - AND a free Water visualisation that will guide you through a deep immersion in water connection...sign up here.
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