Welcome to Accidental Gods –  the podcast where we believe that another world is still possible, and that together, we can create a future we’d be proud to leave to the generations that come after us.

Our aim is to provide the tools we could ever need to understand the potential of this moment – and ourselves within it.

In a world where ideas grow faster than anything, we curate the cutting edge of neuroscience and psycho-technologies, connected spirituality and resilience, politics, philosophy and human creativity so that together, in all our diversity, we can choose a different future.

We’re giving voice to those at the leading edge of change so that we can all learn new ways to be, to live, to create community and to co-create world where people and planet flourish and we live as integral threads in the web of life.

*NEWS FLASH *  Manda’s latest novel,  ANY HUMAN POWER was published on 30th May



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#272  Find the Others! Beyond the Death of Democracy lies Citizen Power – with Jon Alexander of the Citizen Collective

Democracy is breaking around us in real time and a small percentage of those in power would like us to become – at best – obedient subjects in a world dedicated to the destruction of ecosystems and the annihilation of compassion, empathy and all that makes use thrive. Clearly, we are better than this. So how can we harness the astonishing wonder of human co-creation in service to life and a world where humanity thrives as part of a flourishing web of life?

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#271  Of Schoolishness, Space and Emergence into vibrant systems: a joint podcast with Tim Logan of Future Learning Design

If what our culture most urgently needs is for a critical mass of us to grow into adults and then elders, how can we help our young people to step beyond the artificial boundaries of our old, rigid system into a world where they are fully connected to all parts of themselves, each other and the web of life. How, in effect, can we create an educational system that is fit for purpose in the emerging century?

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#Bonus:  Living through the Death of Democracy: Manda’s thoughts on love, liberty and the continued existence of complex life on earth

We are living through the death of democracy and the onset of Techno-Feudalism. But this is not a time when linear systems can hold and feudalism was nothing if not linear. So how can we be part of a transformative process that will let us lay the foundations for a future we’d be proud to leave behind?

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#270  HeartFood – Healing our communities with Food grown on Regenerative Farms with Erin Martin of FreshRxOK

What happens when people with chronic, unstable diabetes eat food grown in local, regenerative farms? Erin Martin shares the dramatic improvements in health her group FreshRxOK saw in Oklahoma when they instigated a ‘Food as Medicine’ programme, offering real food with good nutrient density to diabetic patients in some of the poorest communities.

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#269  Radical Creativity: creating a Global Council of Women with Jenny Grettve of EIT Culture and Creativity

How can we bring wisdom to those with power and power to those with wisdom? If we were to step into elder hood and bring the best of ourselves to the table, could we create governance structures that would help to heal our cultural divides, create equity and guide is wisely through the coming crisis?

Jenny Grettve believes we can and has set up a global council to make this happen.

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#268  The Phoenix Always Rises: Evolving into the Future Human with Prof Chris Bache, Author of LSD and the Mind of the Universe

Five years ago when we began, it was possible to imagine that the world might stabilise with a vestige of the old system as a scaffold for the new.  That assumption is growing increasingly ragged. It’s now becoming clear, at least to me, that the shifts we need to be in the world are primarily inner; that the truly urgent work is in healing both our own and the global human psyches, that we need urgently to remember how to connect with the web of life so that we can ask it ‘What do you want of me?’ and respond to the answers in real time. That we need, in short. to evolve.

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