Becoming a Good Enough Ancestor

an experiential gathering

Becoming a Good Enough Ancestor

We don’t own the earth, we rent it from future generations. And just now, we are not handing them the best futures we could. 

How do we find the inner grounding, the integrity, courage, foresight and sheer strength to embody our Soul’s Path and step forward into the world, laying our part of the foundations for a future that works for all life?

This course will build directly on the work of the Soul’s Purpose Gathering in May – though if you have a clear sense of your soul’s purpose and want ideas of how to carry it forward, you are welcome to come along.


Sunday 6th July

16.00-  20:00 BST (We’ll take breaks as we need them)

Course Fee £50

(Low/Unwaged £30)

The Gift Option –  if you’d like to buy this course as a gift for someone please buy below and then email us with the address of the lucky person so that we can send them them the Zoom link in a Gift e-voucher.

Details Price Qty
Course Fee £50.00 GBP  
Low/Unwaged £30.00 GBP  


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