This is the second part of our conversation with Daniel Firth Griffith
Farming & Environment
Kin-centric Rewilding – restoring relationship to the land and ourselves with Daniel Firth Griffith, author of StagTine
We know we need to move from a Trauma Culture to an Initiation Culture. But knowing these things is not the same as living them as a reality. To get here, we need waymakers, people of huge heart and raw courage to walk away from the limited, goal-based directions of our culture and step into the ways of being where we meet in open-hearted, full-hearted, strong-hearted relationship with the land and all that lives there.
HeartFood – Healing our communities with Food grown on Regenerative Farms with Erin Martin of FreshRxOK
What happens when people with chronic, unstable diabetes eat food grown in local, regenerative farms? Erin Martin shares the dramatic improvements in health her group FreshRxOK saw in Oklahoma when they instigated a ‘Food as Medicine’ programme, offering real food with good nutrient density to diabetic patients in some of the poorest communities.
The Power of (good) Food with Nick Weir of the Open Food Network
Good, nutritious, affordable – obtainable – food is crucial not just to our survival, but to our flourishing. Knowing that our global food/farming system is broken, how do we transform to something that works at every level? The Open Food Network asks these questions and offers a living, working, transparent, compassionate system that all of us can build on and with.
Avoiding Burn Out, Fall Out, Drop Out (and Freak Out) with Dan McTiernan
Our guest today shares straightforward practices that any of us can do to help us with grounding, attunement, opening and integration so that we can be the nodes in the web of life. This is key: we need to stop trying to think our way out of this with our head minds. It doesn’t work. It’s not going to work. We need to come into our physical bodies, find that truly calming place of peace – and then find connections we can trust with the wider web.
Turning waste into wellbeing, wildlife, food and forests: Bringing permaculture to schools with Elliot Riley
Young people are facing a world where the only certainty is uncertainty. where the only known is the unknown. So what can we do to offer them the best grounding to move forward into the transition to come?
Of Reindeer, Donkeys and the verb that is Water. Stories of climate-healing with Judith Schwartz
How do we move beyond our myopic focus on carbon/CO2 as the index of our harms to the world? What can we do to heal the whole biosphere? And what role is played by water-as-verb, forest-as-verb, ocean-as-verb?
The Manic Fire Monkeys Do It Again (and Again): Exploring the wonder of human evolution with Dr Shane Simonsen
The climate emergency is impacting our entire eco-sphere. Plants are at the core of every food chain but we have no idea how fast they can adapt to changes that are taking place in decades where once they took Millenia. Which is where human ingenuity and intervention could be game-changing. If we put our minds to it, could we help plants to evolve in ways that serve the entire web of life?
When is a Tree not a Tree? The ‘Net Zero’ Wood Burning Scam – with Dr Mary Booth of Partnership for Policy Integrity
We’re being sold many lies, but one of the most egregious is the idea that cutting down old growth forest, turning it into pellets and shipping it across the world to burn in former-coal power stations is somehow contributing to ’Net Zero’ emissions. It isn’t. Mary Booth, founder and director of the Partnership for Policy Integrity, spends her life in the corridors of power explaining why this is a scam. And now she’s talking to us.
A trillion willing helpers: Exploring the microbiome of people and animals with Joe Flanagan of Ingenious Probiotics
We know that being kind to our gut biome is crucial to our health, but what about the trillion happy helpers (or not) on our skin, in our lungs, our ears, our mouths… the things we slaughter daily with the ‘cleaning products’ we splash around our homes. What if there was a better way to keep things clean that wasn’t toxic to us and the tiny lives on whom our health depends? Joe Flanagan works at the cutting edge of change, helping us shape the world for a flourishing future.
How the System is Slaying Us and What to Do About It: Getting Healthy in Toxic Times with Dr Jenny Goodman
How does our increasing destruction of the earth’s biosphere also impact our health? What diseases are we seeing in almost pandemic proportions and how much younger are the people in whom we’re seeing them? Above all, what can we do to step away from the system that’s extracting everything from us – our health, our futures and our potential to be good ancestors?
No such thing as Waste, No such place as ‘Away’! – Composting our way out of the meta-crisis with Nicky Grady Scott
Discover the science and simplicity Discover the science and simplicity behind composting, the importance of soil health, and how we can all contribute to a flourishing future by turning our “wasted resources” into rich, living soil.