The climate emergency is impacting our entire eco-sphere. Plants are at the core of every food chain but we have no idea how fast they can adapt to changes that are taking place in decades where once they took Millenia. Which is where human ingenuity and intervention could be game-changing. If we put our minds to it, could we help plants to evolve in ways that serve the entire web of life?
Farming & Environment
When is a Tree not a Tree? The ‘Net Zero’ Wood Burning Scam – with Dr Mary Booth of Partnership for Policy Integrity
We’re being sold many lies, but one of the most egregious is the idea that cutting down old growth forest, turning it into pellets and shipping it across the world to burn in former-coal power stations is somehow contributing to ’Net Zero’ emissions. It isn’t. Mary Booth, founder and director of the Partnership for Policy Integrity, spends her life in the corridors of power explaining why this is a scam. And now she’s talking to us.
A trillion willing helpers: Exploring the microbiome of people and animals with Joe Flanagan of Ingenious Probiotics
We know that being kind to our gut biome is crucial to our health, but what about the trillion happy helpers (or not) on our skin, in our lungs, our ears, our mouths… the things we slaughter daily with the ‘cleaning products’ we splash around our homes. What if there was a better way to keep things clean that wasn’t toxic to us and the tiny lives on whom our health depends? Joe Flanagan works at the cutting edge of change, helping us shape the world for a flourishing future.
How the System is Slaying Us and What to Do About It: Getting Healthy in Toxic Times with Dr Jenny Goodman
How does our increasing destruction of the earth’s biosphere also impact our health? What diseases are we seeing in almost pandemic proportions and how much younger are the people in whom we’re seeing them? Above all, what can we do to step away from the system that’s extracting everything from us – our health, our futures and our potential to be good ancestors?
No such thing as Waste, No such place as ‘Away’! – Composting our way out of the meta-crisis with Nicky Grady Scott
Discover the science and simplicity Discover the science and simplicity behind composting, the importance of soil health, and how we can all contribute to a flourishing future by turning our “wasted resources” into rich, living soil.
What do we really think about Food? Revolutionising what we eat with Sue Pritchard of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission
This conversation was sparked by the FFCC’s inspiring Food Conversation – which brings together ordinary people and begins to unpick the web of deceit surrounding our food – and replaces it with something that is real and decent and nourishing on a physical and systemic level.
Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Future of Flavour and Resilience with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation
Our guests today are two remarkable women who bring energy, commitment and deep thought into building communities of food both nationally and internationally, in bringing ancient local species back from the brink of extinction and rediscovering, or in some cases, building anew the local technology that’ll help to rebuild the communities of place that have been focused on food for millennia and only recently been eroded. They are both masterful storytellers, bringing enthusiasm and the spark of hope to something that touches us all.
Dung Beetles, People and helping the Keystone Species with Claire Whittle, the Regenerative Vet
A moving and deeply authentic conversation with Claire Whittle about her journey from traditional large animal vet to advocate for the human capacity to engage with the natural world, for our ability to become a positive keystone species and for farming to become a lower stressed, lower input, far more wholistic experience than it generally is.
Bringing Indigenous food back to the people: a conversation with Josiah Meldrum of Hodmedod’s
We know we need to eat real food, but how do we make this happen? Hodmedod’s is leading the way in linking farmers to people to make the best of the land.
What your Food Ate – Or why you should never eat industrially farmed food ever again- With Anne Biklé and David Montgomery
How does soil health intimately and profoundly impact human health? What’s the link between the soil microbiome and the human gut microbiome? How can we begin to restore our health, and the health of the living earth in concert with each other?
Meeting the Spirit of the Land: exploring Spirituality in Farming with biodynamic grower, André Tranquilini
How can we heal our relationship with the earth, heal ourselves and feed the world good, nutrient-dense food?
In this, our 200th episode, I am delighted to be joined by André Tranquilini, estate manager at Waltham Place, a 220 acred biodynamic estate in Berkshire, in the UK.
The Art of Living Well – A Creative Life on the Land with Elisa Rathje
Building community out of the remnants of our fractured culture – connecting to each other and the land – is how we’ll get through. Elisa Rathje is doing just this – and making TV of the process.