
Farming & Environment

Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Future of Flavour and Resilience with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation

Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Future of Flavour and Resilience with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation

Our guests today are two remarkable women who bring energy, commitment and deep thought into building communities of food both nationally and internationally, in bringing ancient local species back from the brink of extinction and rediscovering, or in some cases, building anew the local technology that’ll help to rebuild the communities of place that have been focused on food for millennia and only recently been eroded. They are both masterful storytellers, bringing enthusiasm and the spark of hope to something that touches us all.

Exploding the Myth of a Farm Free Future (and fake meat!) with Chris Smaje

Exploding the Myth of a Farm Free Future (and fake meat!) with Chris Smaje

How do we make the case for a fully ecological farming system, that can feed all of us, while restoring the bio-sphere and providing affordable, nutritious food. How can we become a good keystone species – and what does that mean? This second episode with Chris Smaje, explores his new book, ‘Saying No to a Farm Free Future: The Case for an Ecological Food System and against Manufactured Foods.’