Manda Bonus Episodes

Three Years On

Three Years On

Three years – and 160 episodes – into the podcast, Manda takes stock of where we’ve been, why we set up and, crucially, where we’re going, both in the ‘cast and in the membership programme.

Traditional Solstice Celebration: Looking back and looking forward

Traditional Solstice Celebration: Looking back and looking forward

As our world and our lives transform, we need some stable anchors. So, as we do each year, we got together with two other star podcast hosts: Nathalie Nahai of The Hive and Della Duncan of Upstream, to reflect on the year just gone and look forward to the year ahead.

Bonus Episode: Manda’s Basic Tips for Writers

Bonus Episode: Manda’s Basic Tips for Writers

Thrutopia is open to everyone who tells stories in whatever form. But if you’re in the early stages of your writing journey and want some support, these are Manda’s Ten Key Pointers to writing well: a basic Writing Apprenticeship in an hour!

We we need Thrutopias

We we need Thrutopias

Imagine a future where our great grandchildren look back and say, ‘Yes, it was hard. Yes, they made mistakes. Yes, they left it way, way too late, but that was because they didn’t know what to do. And my goodness, when they had the visions, they threw themselves into making them happen. And we’re here now, living lives we love, because they took the risk to change the way things worked.’

Thrutopia: changing the world through stories

Thrutopia: changing the world through stories

We live on stories. We thrive on visions of futures we want – or terrify ourselves with those we definitely don’t. But when it comes to our own near-term future, we don’t have the stories that tell us how we got it right. So we need to write them – Urgently! Come and join us on a unique 6 month Masterclass, writing our way to the futures we want and need.

Birthday/Solstice Celebration

Birthday/Solstice Celebration

It’s our Birthday… and it’s the December Solstice, the time of transition and potential transformation . Manda shares books, podcasts and existential questions with two podcasting friends…

Four Steps to Transformation

Four Steps to Transformation

How can we heal ourselves and the world? So many people ask the question and yet the answers are simple. We know what we need to do, we just don’t know how to do it. In this race through the grounding of Accidental Gods, podcast host, Manda Scott explores the answers.

Opening new doors – gently

Opening new doors – gently

Thoughts on an opening sense of self after the birth of a foal – learning new things, triggering angst, fear of making it all up… and a sense of awe.