
Regenerative Politics

The Town that Shaped its World

The Town that Shaped its World

We all know national politics is in a state of chaos. But local governance can be a place of enlivening, inspiring, radical change. Pam Barrett speaks of her work to change the nature of her local town council – what she achieved – and how we can do the same.

Models of Mind

Models of Mind

How different would our world be if we understood how our minds – and feelings – worked? How would our workplaces change if everyone was doing their best to understand how everyone else experienced the world? Dr Rachel Lilley describes how shifting our perspectives changes everything – from work to home to government.

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

How bad are things really? Is it too late to avert the climate and ecological catastrophe? And if not, how do we pull ourselves back from the brink? Exploring answers with Professor Paul Behrens, author of ‘The Best of Times, The Worst of Times’

Imagineering: ReWeaving the Human Fabric with Miki Kashtan

Imagineering: ReWeaving the Human Fabric with Miki Kashtan

How can we reweave the fabric of humanity to create a world where everyone’s deepest needs are met? How do we even know what our deepest needs are – for security (physical and emotional), freedom, connection and meaning? Miki Kashtan gives us answers – and a vision of the future.

No More Ratrace

No More Ratrace

What if our work made our hearts sing every day? What if everyone were paid what they were actually worth? What if the profits went into the community, to build the better world our hearts know is possible? How would that actually work? Let’s find out!

No more business as usual

No more business as usual

Business as usual has brought us to the edge of extinction. Can we switch off our complacency and turn towards life in time? Raw, honest thoughts from Professor Rupert Read of Extinction Rebellion.