
EPisode #6  Changing our minds: how to shape habits

apple podcasts

‘Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny’


Lao Tsu mapped the progress from habits of thought (and we would add habits of feeing) towards the truth of what we become.

In this episode, we map the core science of what makes our habits move from simply things we do once, to things that we do without thinking them… that then have a core impact on who we are and how we design our energy through the days, both as individuals and as a culture.

We look at the absolute basics of reinforcement (positive and negative) and how habits become enduring – by becoming easy, obvious, attainable and definable and having four distinct parts: a trigger/cue that tells us this behaviour needs to happen now; a desire; the behaviour; and the reinforcement or reward.

Taking a particular behaviour of listening to a 5 minute visualisation we look at how to anchor this as a habit within our existing behavioural sequence, with a deeper dive into the nature of intrinsic reinforcement. We look four of the main internal reinforcers: Dopamine, Serotonin Oxytocin and Endorphins.

We explore clean loops, backchaining and real world applications of habit-building.

The music that book-ends the podcasts is created by Caro C and is called ‘Sense Ability’ – you can find it here.


Meditation for the Spring Equinox 2024

Meditation for the Spring Equinox 2024

This guided visualisation walks us into the moment of balance between the long nights and the long days, the restorative time of winter and the outward-acting time of summer, between being to doing. Please take time for yourself to sit quietly and create a space out of time that has meaning for you. It doesn’t have to be at the moment of the equinox, whenever that is for you, wherever you are in the world, it’s the connection that counts, the marking of the day.

Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Future of Flavour and Resilience with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation

Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Future of Flavour and Resilience with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation

Our guests today are two remarkable women who bring energy, commitment and deep thought into building communities of food both nationally and internationally, in bringing ancient local species back from the brink of extinction and rediscovering, or in some cases, building anew the local technology that’ll help to rebuild the communities of place that have been focused on food for millennia and only recently been eroded. They are both masterful storytellers, bringing enthusiasm and the spark of hope to something that touches us all.


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