
free resources: guided visualisations to immerse you in the wonder of the world, find internal balance, and deepen your connection to the things that matter.

What If?

Imagining the better world our hearts know is possible

In a time of transition and transformation, we believe it’s crucial that we imagine a better future.  If we can envisage how we would feel if everything were flourishing, then we can aim towards it. Human intention is an astonishingly powerful thing and the more we can create a felt sense of where we want to be, the easier it is to get there.

What If? (with birdsong northern hemisphere)

What If? (with music northern hemisphere)

60 minutes

What If? (with birdsong southern hemisphere)

What If? (with music southern hemisphere)

In this visualisation, we connect to the balance of the world to find balance in our own being.  Join me for a few minutes as we create peace within ourselves.

In this visualisation, we build on the balance of the previous one, and create a powerful sense of gratitude to carry us through dark days. 


For a regular supply of ideas about humanity's next evolutionary step, insights into the thinking behind some of the podcasts,  early updates on the guests we'll be having on the show - AND a free Water visualisation that will guide you through a deep immersion in water connection...sign up here.

(NB: This is a free newsletter - it's not joining up to the Membership!  That's a nice, subtle pink button on the 'Join Us' page...)