staying true to your soul’s purpose
an online gathering
Staying True to Your Soul’s Purpose
What is your soul’s purpose?
Do you know what it is you came here to do? Has it become the driver for every part of your life?
If you do have a sense of purpose, do you have strategies to stay true to it when the world is clamouring for your time and attention?
In this gathering we will explore how we might recognise our purpose calling to us through the fog of daily life.
Through meditations, visualisations and small group sharing, we will develop a felt sense of our calling so that we can tap into it whenever life feels as if it’s pushing us off track.
No experience expected or required. (This will, however, follow on very neatly from January’s ‘Dreaming your Year Awake’!)
Sunday 20th February
15:00 – 21:00 GMT (We’ll take breaks as we need them)
Course Fee £65
(Low/Unwaged £35)
The Gift Option – if you’d like to buy this course as a gift for someone please buy below and then email us with the address of the lucky person so that we can send them them the Zoom link in a Gift e-voucher.

For a regular supply of ideas about humanity's next evolutionary step, insights into the thinking behind some of the podcasts, early updates on the guests we'll be having on the show - AND a free Water visualisation that will guide you through a deep immersion in water connection...sign up here.
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