#Bonus: Meditation for the Autumn Equinox 2024, with Manda Scott
Here is an Autumn Equinox Meditation to help set you up for the shift from the long days to the long nights.
For those in the Southern Hemisphere, there’s a Spring Equinox Meditation here.
Please take time for yourself to sit quietly, perhaps light a candle, or otherwise create a space out of time that has meaning for you. It doesn’t have to be at the moment of the equinox, whenever that is for you, wherever you are in the world, it’s the connection that counts, the marking of the day. And you don’t have to limit yourself to one pass through – please feel free to explore this more deeply than one single iteration. If you want other, similar journeys, they are a whole host in the Accidental Gods Membership Programme.
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Autumn Equinox meditation 2024
Here is an Autumn Equinox Meditation to help set you up for the shift from the long days to the long nights.
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For a regular supply of ideas about humanity's next evolutionary step, insights into the thinking behind some of the podcasts, early updates on the guests we'll be having on the show - AND a free Water visualisation that will guide you through a deep immersion in water connection...sign up here.
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