
Community & Activism

Meshworks of Being: Building Community on the DAO

Meshworks of Being: Building Community on the DAO

We know that the future is based on Community. What we lack are practical routes to creating communities of community on a worldwide scale – ones that can form and will be resilient enough to survive

Be Kind, Be Useful : transforming community

Be Kind, Be Useful : transforming community

How can we bring hope and agency and a sense of awe and wonder back into a world that feels perpetually on the verge of breakdown? Alan Lane and the team at the Slung Low theatre company are embedded in the culture and creativity of one of the most deprived areas in the nation – and are utterly committed to bringing magic into their world.

Cultures of Commoning: Quadratic voting, indigenous connectivity and pacifist chess

Cultures of Commoning: Quadratic voting, indigenous connectivity and pacifist chess

How can we create more connection with the people who matter – locally, nationally and internationally? Ruth Catlow of Furtherfield has designed 3-person chess where the pawns can declare world peace, set up the Treaty of Finsbury Park between humans and other species – and experimented with quadratic voting on the blockchain to create real local democracy.

Plan. Pause. Reset: Real Steps to Radical Transformation

Plan. Pause. Reset: Real Steps to Radical Transformation

The world is changing: we all know this, but knowing what we can do, how theories of change actually apply… that’s harder. Eva Schonveld and Justin Kenrick are deeply embedded in applying the theory of change in ways that work and from which we can all learn.

Telling the Truth and Moving Forward: Building the Moderate Flank

Telling the Truth and Moving Forward: Building the Moderate Flank

We know now that 1.5 is not alive. We are heading for at least 2 degrees of global heating and this is going to change everything that we do. Rupert Read is part of the Moderate Flank, a movement of people who care deeply and want to be part of crafting a flourishing, equitable future, but who need help in working out what to do.

Fractal Improv: finding personality and connection

Fractal Improv: finding personality and connection

We know our climate is in crisis and that time is running out. But we also know that screaming at people to wake up is not working. What if we gave ourselves permission to tell the truth – and the skills to do it with humour and compassion so that we didn’t trigger the resistances of fear? This Episode, we explore stand-up and improv in sustainable communications with Belina Raffy.

Solitude and Transformation

Solitude and Transformation

What happens when we realise we’re trying to be something we’re not? For Roz Savage, this led to a transformation that took her from Management Consultant to the first woman to row solo across the world’s 3 big oceans. Now she devotes her life to the healing of the planet.