Education & Parenting

Designing Education

Designing Education

We live in a world where facts are at our fingertips and yet we increasingly live in conceptual silos where ideas are neither broad nor deep. How can we transform our ways of educating ourselves as we grow to adulthood/elderhood in a world where the ground is shifting under our feet? With Professor DJ Helfland, educator and astronomist.

How the world is making our children mad

How the world is making our children mad

How can we create a world where our children can grow in safety – both physical and emotional? How can we find that sense of psychological safety within ourselves? How can we find the authenticity and compassion to heal our own wounds so we don’t pass them on? With Louis Weinstock, child psychologist and expert in complex trauma.

Parenting in the Climate Emergency

Parenting in the Climate Emergency

How can we be the best possible stewards of the future for our children? How can we meet their eco-anxiety and teach them resilience, adaptation and give them the skills of systemic thinking that will help them navigate the uncertainties to come?

Future strategies to keep us alive

Future strategies to keep us alive

What is the bare minimum we need world leaders to agree at COP26 and what can we do if they fail? Rupert Read, academic philosopher, author and climate activist discusses the urgency of the moment – and how a ‘moderate flank’ of climate activists can grow out of the COP.

Truth, Integrity and Authenticity

Truth, Integrity and Authenticity

In a world of potential catastrophe, how can we find our own truth and, from there, speak with authenticity to the children and young people in our lives about the world that is coming? Louis Weinstock is a celebrated psychotherapist who finds ways to help people of all ages connect with their own truth and share it.

Active Hope

Active Hope

As our world hurtles towards tipping points, how can we be part of the solution? How can we find resilience, in ourselves, our lives and our communities? Above all, how can we bring Active Hope to the world? Dr Chris Johnstone and Madeleine Young have set up an online training course based in Joanna Macy’s work that reconnects and we talk about it in this week’s podcast.

Behave More! Rebuilding Our World Differently

Behave More! Rebuilding Our World Differently

Imagine a world where we listen to the voices of the young as much as the old, the women as much as the men, all races, all abilities, all income streams – all species… where we honour difference, where compassion and empathy are our keynotes, not competition and separation. If this is the world we want, how do we get there?

Behave! – Solving the existential crisis of our times

Behave! – Solving the existential crisis of our times

If we have all the technical and scientific answers to solving the climate and ecological crisis – which we do – how do we bring the greater mass of humanity to a place where we all work together, bringing our boundless creativity to the creation of a regenerative world?

Honouring the Children

Honouring the Children

How would our world be if we based every act on the impact it would have down the generations? What do our children – and their children – need us to do now, to grant them a flourishing future? A simple video asks that question and invites our children to answer.

Parents For A Future

Parents For A Future

Suppose we all made this year the one where we choose to make a difference? We could take a sabbatical and join in the actions around COP26. Or we could go to work and do whatever it takes to make our business regenerative. Or we could join Parents For Future and build a world that we are proud to leave to our children. Manda talks to Rupert Read about his new book: Parents for a Future and about how now is the time to act.

Living to Learn

How can we make learning a genuinely transformational experience? One that’s fun, and inspiring and that teaches us HOW to think, not WHAT to think? Rachel Musson had given her life to asking this question and ThoughtBox is her answer.

Death, Dead & Dying

Death, Dead & Dying

Suppose we were able to talk about our own inevitable death openly, shaping & embracing it, so that we could become fully alive?