
Systems Thinking & Technology

How do we live, when under the surface of everything is an ocean of tears? With Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human

How do we live, when under the surface of everything is an ocean of tears? With Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human

Douglas Rushkoff shares with us the palpable “ocean of tears” lurking beneath the surface of our collective consciousness—a reservoir of compassion waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. His candid reflections on the human condition, amidst the cacophony of a world in crisis, remind us of the importance of bearing witness to the pains and joys that surround us. He challenges us to consider the role of technology and AI not as tools for capitalist exploitation but as potential pathways to a more humane and interconnected existence.

River Charters, Net Zero Cities and BioRegional Banks: Creating a Life-Ennobling Economic System with Emily Harris of Dark Matter Labs

River Charters, Net Zero Cities and BioRegional Banks: Creating a Life-Ennobling Economic System with Emily Harris of Dark Matter Labs

Emily unveils the bold concept of life-enabling economics and the radical aspiration of establishing bioregional banks — a system where money is no longer a mere transactional tool but a means to foster a thriving web of life. From the Findhorn watershed initiative to the Sheffield River Don project, Emily details practical steps towards making these ideas a reality, including the creation of relationship registers and multivalent currencies like ‘river coins’.

Becoming Intentional Gods: Claiming the Future with Indy Johar of the Dark Matter Labs

Becoming Intentional Gods: Claiming the Future with Indy Johar of the Dark Matter Labs

We are at a moment of decision: are we ready to claim our birthright as the Interstitial Generation between the old paradigm of extraction, consumption and pollution—and the new one that could arise where we accept the interbecoming of all things, where we as individual humans take our place in a community of care and experience that encompasses all of the world?

The Web of Life & New Tech Webs – A Beautiful Connection? With Monty Merlin of ReFi DAO

The Web of Life & New Tech Webs – A Beautiful Connection? With Monty Merlin of ReFi DAO

How much do you know about AI, blockchain and Web 3.0? If you’re like us, the answer is probably very little. But these techs are going to change our world out of all recognition and while there is the potential for catastrophe, in the right hands, the same technology has the potential to help us shape the future we’d all be proud to leave behind and this is what this podcast is about.