
Systems Thinking & Technology

Meshworks of Being: Building Community on the DAO

Meshworks of Being: Building Community on the DAO

We know that the future is based on Community. What we lack are practical routes to creating communities of community on a worldwide scale – ones that can form and will be resilient enough to survive

Technology for a future that works

Technology for a future that works

What does our future look like when it works? How can we harness the power of the Web 3.0 in service to a flourishing future? With Cory Feco of the DOI Foundation, who is embedded in just these questions.

Cultures of Commoning: Quadratic voting, indigenous connectivity and pacifist chess

Cultures of Commoning: Quadratic voting, indigenous connectivity and pacifist chess

How can we create more connection with the people who matter – locally, nationally and internationally? Ruth Catlow of Furtherfield has designed 3-person chess where the pawns can declare world peace, set up the Treaty of Finsbury Park between humans and other species – and experimented with quadratic voting on the blockchain to create real local democracy.

Earthborne Rangers: Playing our way to a future that works

Earthborne Rangers: Playing our way to a future that works

What happens if we stop playing games that laud violence and give us brief dopamine hits for acts of destruction, and instead create, play and share games that build regenerative futures that help to rewire our brains and give us a feel for how community works? With Andrew Navarro of Earthborne Games.

Living Well within our Limits: Actions for systemic change

Living Well within our Limits: Actions for systemic change

How do we live well, while staying well within the limits of the global biosphere, the extraordinary living planet that is our home? How can each of us bring the most effective actions to bear to ensure that the new system grows into something health-giving? With Professor Julia Steinberger of the University of Lausanne.