The Material Realities our world…

accidental gods at the cutting edge – gathering

Dr Simon Michaux has been a regular guest on the podcast over the past fourteen months, bringing a clear eye to the logistical realities of our world –

What can we build? Where is the stuff coming from? And How much pollution, social inequity and geopolitical chaos will arise as a result?

Simon is also committed to the ideals of an ‘Arcadian’ future predicated on community, cohesion and compassion. Come along and find out what’s happening in the real world where the rubber hits the mine shaft.

This is a wonderful opportunity to gain clarity on what’s possible and what’s not in our aim to create a flourishing future that we would be proud to leave to the coming generations.

Join us for a 2 hour evening session. In the first hour Simon will talk to us and then take your questions. We’ll take time afterwards (up to one hour) to discuss amongst ourselves how we feel and what we think about what we’ve learned.

We’d love to have your input!

Only £10 or £5 with the Member’s discount code (members can find that on the member’s home page).

You can listen to our 4 podcasts with Simon here:

#172 On the need to transform industry  
#175 How are we going to power our world as we ramp down fossil fuels?
#183 How much power do we need and how much can we reasonably produce?
#184 Reality Check – less quanity, more quality


Sunday 10th March 2024

19:00 – 21.00 GMT (We’ll take breaks as we need them)

Gathering Fee £10

The Gift Option –  if you’d like to buy this course as a gift for someone please buy below and then email us with the address of the lucky person so that we can send them them the Zoom link in a Gift e-voucher.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


For a regular supply of ideas about humanity's next evolutionary step, insights into the thinking behind some of the podcasts,  early updates on the guests we'll be having on the show - AND a free Water visualisation that will guide you through a deep immersion in water connection...sign up here.

(NB: This is a free newsletter - it's not joining up to the Membership!  That's a nice, subtle pink button on the 'Join Us' page...) 

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