
#200 Episode Bonus:    Walking the edge between light and dark: Equinox reflections on Accidental Gods past, present and future

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Celebrating our 200th episode with a short reflection on where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going: as a movement, a podcast, a world

As we head into winter in the northern hemisphere, as the tilt of the world hangs in balance, we reached our 200th episode. So this is a time to look back and look forward: to look at where we’ve been, where we are and where we might go.

From our origins as an adjunct to the Accidental Gods Membership, explaining the neurophysiology and neuropsychology behind what we’re doing, and then then the spiritual grounding of connecting to the web of life… we moved into talking to people who live at the edge of the new system. In doing so, we discovered the magic of podcasts as a way to nudge our whole system towards change.

If it is the case, as Ilya Prigogine says, that ‘when a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos can move it to a higher order’, then Accidental Gods aims to be one of the small islands of coherence. We are here to show the potential in the wonder of our world and humanity’s place in it – and to be utterly clear how far we still are from that potential. Above all, we’re here to help map the routes through to the new system that can yet emerge from the transition and transformation of our times.

In Conversation

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