accidental gods blog


We’re exploring regenerative farming and regenerative politics, systems design and personal development, spiritual activism and neuroscience and the many, many deeply thoughtful, deeply soulful practices being explored around the world which throw light on our journey towards the evolution of consciousness.

The Intention Series

Intention part 1– our most powerful resource

Intention part 1– our most powerful resource

Why don’t we harness our astonishing capacity to create real impacts on the future? There are a host of reasons and each of us has different strategies for getting in our own way…

Episode & Extras posts

The Manic Fire Monkeys Do It Again (and Again): Exploring the wonder of human evolution with Dr Shane Simonsen

The Manic Fire Monkeys Do It Again (and Again): Exploring the wonder of human evolution with Dr Shane Simonsen

The climate emergency is impacting our entire eco-sphere. Plants are at the core of every food chain but we have no idea how fast they can adapt to changes that are taking place in decades where once they took Millenia. Which is where human ingenuity and intervention could be game-changing. If we put our minds to it, could we help plants to evolve in ways that serve the entire web of life?

Finding the Courage to Care – Ways to build a Mothering Economy with author Jenny Grettve

Finding the Courage to Care – Ways to build a Mothering Economy with author Jenny Grettve

In this moment of transition, we need to become the best of ourselves, as individuals, and as a culture. But how? What does it look like? More importantly, what does it feel like? Designer and Thrutopian thinker, Jenny Grettve says it’ll feel as if we care for the web or life as a mother care for her children. And we’d better learn how to do it as fast as we can.

When is a Tree not a Tree? The ‘Net Zero’ Wood Burning Scam – with Dr Mary Booth of Partnership for Policy Integrity

When is a Tree not a Tree? The ‘Net Zero’ Wood Burning Scam – with Dr Mary Booth of Partnership for Policy Integrity

We’re being sold many lies, but one of the most egregious is the idea that cutting down old growth forest, turning it into pellets and shipping it across the world to burn in former-coal power stations is somehow contributing to ’Net Zero’ emissions. It isn’t. Mary Booth, founder and director of the Partnership for Policy Integrity, spends her life in the corridors of power explaining why this is a scam. And now she’s talking to us.

Governable Spaces: Solve for democracy on the internet and our outer politics becomes a lot more sane – with Nathan Schneider

Governable Spaces: Solve for democracy on the internet and our outer politics becomes a lot more sane – with Nathan Schneider

The Western world is in a crisis of democracy – but we learn a lot of our principles from the ways we interact online and the internet is essentially a feudal space that gives absolute power to a few and robs the many of agency. Nathan Schneider proposes that if we were able to shape a more liquid democracy online, our experience of generative interactions would spill over into the outer world. Has to be worth a try, right? So how do we do it?

A trillion willing helpers: Exploring the microbiome of people and animals with Joe Flanagan of Ingenious Probiotics

A trillion willing helpers: Exploring the microbiome of people and animals with Joe Flanagan of Ingenious Probiotics

We know that being kind to our gut biome is crucial to our health, but what about the trillion happy helpers (or not) on our skin, in our lungs, our ears, our mouths… the things we slaughter daily with the ‘cleaning products’ we splash around our homes. What if there was a better way to keep things clean that wasn’t toxic to us and the tiny lives on whom our health depends? Joe Flanagan works at the cutting edge of change, helping us shape the world for a flourishing future.

Net Zero Cities with Georgia Cameron of Dark Matter Labs

Net Zero Cities with Georgia Cameron of Dark Matter Labs

Cities: most of us live in them and most of them are geared around the old values of the last century. But what if our core question was: what does it take to have pride in the place I live? How can we completely rethink the way cities act and are shaped to put a flourishing future at the heart of all they do? Georgia Cameron of Dark Matter Labs lays out the visions of Net Zero Cities that goes way beyond just the carbon.

Earth and Soul: Reconnecting Amid Climate Chaos with Leah Rampy

Earth and Soul: Reconnecting Amid Climate Chaos with Leah Rampy

What can we do that will actually serve the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible? How do we open the doors to possibility so that we can shift from the disconnection of our culture to a path of real heart-mind connection to the web of life?

Creating Quantum Theatre: radical story-becoming to change the world with Jenifer Toksvig

Creating Quantum Theatre: radical story-becoming to change the world with Jenifer Toksvig

Humanity is a storied species – everything we do from forming partnerships, to buying stuff, to moving house, to getting a new job… arises from the stories we tell ourselves and each other about ourselves and each other. If we’re going to shift to a new way of being, the route will be led by the stories we can build of how it will look and feel, how we’ll be more alive, more connected, have a deeper sense of being, belonging, becoming…


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