How do we build the local futures we all know we need? What does it actually take to become a good enough ancestor? Or even the best ancestor we can be? Our guest this week, Helena Norberg-Hodge, has given her life to exploring the answers, and helping birth them into being.
Economics & Business
Forking the Future: building routes to viable change with Tim Frenneaux of Pivot
How can business become an active, pro-active part of the multi-faceted solution to the meta-crisis? How can we accelerate our shift towards the emergent edge of Inter-Becoming? Tim Frenneaux of the Pivot project is working at the leading edge of regenerative business design to find the answers that will help us all.
Finding the Courage to Care – Ways to build a Mothering Economy with author Jenny Grettve
In this moment of transition, we need to become the best of ourselves, as individuals, and as a culture. But how? What does it look like? More importantly, what does it feel like? Designer and Thrutopian thinker, Jenny Grettve says it’ll feel as if we care for the web or life as a mother care for her children. And we’d better learn how to do it as fast as we can.
When is a Tree not a Tree? The ‘Net Zero’ Wood Burning Scam – with Dr Mary Booth of Partnership for Policy Integrity
We’re being sold many lies, but one of the most egregious is the idea that cutting down old growth forest, turning it into pellets and shipping it across the world to burn in former-coal power stations is somehow contributing to ’Net Zero’ emissions. It isn’t. Mary Booth, founder and director of the Partnership for Policy Integrity, spends her life in the corridors of power explaining why this is a scam. And now she’s talking to us.
Evolving Education: Building a Doughnut School with Jenny Grettve of When!When!
Jenny Grettve’s heart-mind is huge and deep and we explored many areas of the transformation that’s coming, from the evolution of a primary school along Doughnut Economic lines to the future of architecture, to the role of systems thinking in our political, social and, in the end, human, evolution. It was a truly heart-warming conversation and I hope it helps you, too, to think to the edges of yourself.
Vulture Capitalism – Exposing the toxic system and how to outgrow it with Grace Blakeley
Grace Blakeley, staff writer at Tribune magazine and author of the eye-opening “Vulture Capitalism”, peels back the layers of our economic system, exposing the stark realities hidden beneath the veneer of ‘free markets’ and ‘democratic’ institutions.
Gathering the Memes of Production: Building Co-ordi-Nations with Josh Davila of Blockchain Socialist podcast
What happens with communities of passion and purpose come together across long distances and create new entities beyond the boundaries of nation states? Coordi-Nations are a new idea for our times, to wash away the old war-bound structures
Let’s get rid of Money and start afresh! Dismantling the Super-Organism with Dianna Finch
If Money is commodified grief, and fiat currencies are imposed by implicit violence, how can we create forms of value exchange that are healing and regenerative and that form part of the solution?
Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse with Gaya Herrington
What does it take to avoid global collapse? Is there still time? And if so, what are the societal, social, cultural and goal-oriented changes that we need to make to get there?
This week’s guest is one of the new generation of super-thinkers who have the capacity, individually and collectively, to bring into being that better future our hearts know is possible.
Bonus – Reality Check: Less Quantity, More Quality in a Future that will Work, part 4 with Simon Michaux
This is the fourth of our ongoing series with Dr Simon Michaux. As ever, we ranged far and wide, but this time within the remit of ‘what does the world look like in 2050 if we make good choices now?
Lifeboats and Volcanoes: part 3 of our series with Simon Michaux
If we’re using too much power, how much do we need? And how much can we reasonably expect to produce in the near term as we phase out fossil fuels? What will our energy infrastructure look like and what are our options?
Building Tomorrow: Bonus addition: Painting 2050 if we get things right
What does our world look and feel like in 2050 if we make all the good choices now? Paddy and I recorded a brief 15 minute bonus of how the world could look if we actually employed all the strategies in ‘Building Tomorrow’ – so sit back, soak it in – and then let’s make it happen…