By any measure, this year has been pretty turbulent and our capacity to predict anything at all for 2025 is fairly ragged, but that doesn’t stop us from celebrating Della’s news, and sharing the ways we find stability and maintain sanity in a world that feels increasingly precarious. Whatever else is happening, friendship is the glue that builds community and all of us – we who make the podcasts and everyone who listens – are building a de facto community of passion and purpose. So thank you for being there. I hope you enjoy what follows.
In conversation
Reasons to be Sheepful: from wedding shawls to burial shrouds
Sheep have had a bad press recently, With Yuli Somme, we bring them back to centre stage, celebrating their place in our living biosphere.
Technology for a future that works
What does our future look like when it works? How can we harness the power of the Web 3.0 in service to a flourishing future? With Cory Feco of the DOI Foundation, who is embedded in just these questions.
Be Kind, Be Useful : transforming community
How can we bring hope and agency and a sense of awe and wonder back into a world that feels perpetually on the verge of breakdown? Alan Lane and the team at the Slung Low theatre company are embedded in the culture and creativity of one of the most deprived areas in the nation – and are utterly committed to bringing magic into their world.
One Planet Living: Mapping Minds to create a new emergent Consciousness
Linear thinking got us into this mess – how can we engage all the tools of modern technology to help us think more freely, creatively and systemically in service to a more flexible future.
Saving Chocolate! and finding solutions to the meta crisis
We are in a global meta-crisis and need global solutions – but how do we find them in a world where everyone exists in political, economic or business silos? Nicola Peel is a ‘Solutionist’, dedicated to finding answers to exactly these questions – and then creating change in the world.
Living in a Post-Carbon, Post-Capital, Post Urban world
What does our post-carbon, post urban, post-industrial future look like and how do we get there in ways that allow the current and future generations of life on this planet to flourish?
Unlocking Curiosity: Regenerating Business from the packaging up
How can we shift business to a regenerative model that will be fit for the world we need to create? Jo Chidley, recently returned from Davos, has devoted her business life to breaking the moulds of the way things are done – and has inspiring ideas of the ways we can shift our habits to change the world.
Stop eating Chicken!: The future of food with Rob Percival, author of The Meat Paradox
How can we feed ourselves while re-establishing our connections to the web of life? In a world where global food systems are extractive and destructive, how can we regenerate our land?
Cultures of Commoning: Quadratic voting, indigenous connectivity and pacifist chess
How can we create more connection with the people who matter – locally, nationally and internationally? Ruth Catlow of Furtherfield has designed 3-person chess where the pawns can declare world peace, set up the Treaty of Finsbury Park between humans and other species – and experimented with quadratic voting on the blockchain to create real local democracy.
Being the Change: Journeys in Service to Life with Gail Bradbrook
How can we shift our mindsets away from service to a destructive and extractive culture and offer ourselves fully in service to life.
Plan. Pause. Reset: Real Steps to Radical Transformation
The world is changing: we all know this, but knowing what we can do, how theories of change actually apply… that’s harder. Eva Schonveld and Justin Kenrick are deeply embedded in applying the theory of change in ways that work and from which we can all learn.