
Infrastructure & Design

River Charters, Net Zero Cities and BioRegional Banks: Creating a Life-Ennobling Economic System with Emily Harris of Dark Matter Labs

River Charters, Net Zero Cities and BioRegional Banks: Creating a Life-Ennobling Economic System with Emily Harris of Dark Matter Labs

Emily unveils the bold concept of life-enabling economics and the radical aspiration of establishing bioregional banks — a system where money is no longer a mere transactional tool but a means to foster a thriving web of life. From the Findhorn watershed initiative to the Sheffield River Don project, Emily details practical steps towards making these ideas a reality, including the creation of relationship registers and multivalent currencies like ‘river coins’.

Transforming Industry to create a genuine Green Revolution

Transforming Industry to create a genuine Green Revolution

How much actual stuff do we have in the world compared to what we need to make the ‘Green Revolution’ happen? And how do we adjust our lives so that we can create the infrastructure we’ll need to take us to a post-carbon future?

Regenerative by Design

Regenerative by Design

In a world that feels as if all the certainties are breaking down, how can we build the communities of place and of purpose that will give us the resilience to bridge from the old structures to the new? Exploring deeply practical ways to build community with Charlie Fisher.

Flourish: Designing New Paradigms

Flourish: Designing New Paradigms

What will it take to restore balance in our world? How can we repair our devastated environments, and secure future generations’ survival? And what is the key to unlock the mindset shift to enable truly regenerative transformation? With Sarah Ichioka, co-author of ‘Flourish: Design Paradigms for our Planetary Emergency’.