
accidental gods blog


We’re exploring regenerative farming and regenerative politics, systems design and personal development, spiritual activism and neuroscience and the many, many deeply thoughtful, deeply soulful practices being explored around the world which throw light on our journey towards the evolution of consciousness.

The Intention Series

Episode & Extras posts

Equinox Meditation: Finding the balance point in ourselves and the world

Equinox Meditation: Finding the balance point in ourselves and the world

Manda’s Equinox meditation focuses on finding our sense of balance as the tilt of the world balances between summer and winter, light and dark, day and night. And from that, finding a stable place with the three pillars of our heart minds: joyful curiosity, gratitude and compassion.

Making The Nettle Dress: a creative journey of attention, magic and loss with Allan Brown and Dylan Howitt

Making The Nettle Dress: a creative journey of attention, magic and loss with Allan Brown and Dylan Howitt

Allan Brown’s exploration into how we could feed and clothe ourselves as we head towards a world of localism and increasing self reliance led to his spending seven years of his life making a a dress from the fibres of the nettles that grew locally.

It was an extraordinary process of experimentation, discovery and ensoulment – a journey into possibility that would be hard to match in our current, frenetic world. And we know about this: the patience of it, the wonder, the loss, the grief, the resilience, the alchemy… the sheer magic, because Dylan made a film, ‘The Nettle Dress’ which also took 7 years and is also a process of emergence and ensoulment and magic and discovery.

Inspiring the climate majority with Prof. Rupert Read

Inspiring the climate majority with Prof. Rupert Read

What can we do to unite the overwhelming majority of people who understand that we’re on the edge of the cliff and want to *do something* but don’t know what or how? Rupert Read has a project to give them all a voice…


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