awakening into connection

Thoughts following the US action in Iraq


We’re all on the journey towards connection and coherence, exploring at whatever rate seems right to us – and then we wake up and find that the world has descended into chaos.

At times like this, it’s easy to fall into tribal narratives – whatever our tribe may be, we know our side is right and the other side is wrong. Which is largely the old-paradigm thinking that got us to this in the first place. Instead, those of us who believe in a different future, need to find ways to be grounded and balanced – we need to be the balance for the world. Every bit of research shows that the more we can change our own energy, the more we can become heart coherent, the more we can shift out of crisis-ridden Beta brain patterns into alpha or even theta, the more the people around us come into balance. The ripple effects spreads out.

Finding stillness & connection in the midst of chaos



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Episodes in our Introductory Series

Meditation for the Spring Equinox 2024

Meditation for the Spring Equinox 2024

This guided visualisation walks us into the moment of balance between the long nights and the long days, the restorative time of winter and the outward-acting time of summer, between being to doing. Please take time for yourself to sit quietly and create a space out of time that has meaning for you. It doesn’t have to be at the moment of the equinox, whenever that is for you, wherever you are in the world, it’s the connection that counts, the marking of the day.

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Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Future of Flavour and Resilience with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation

Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Future of Flavour and Resilience with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation

Our guests today are two remarkable women who bring energy, commitment and deep thought into building communities of food both nationally and internationally, in bringing ancient local species back from the brink of extinction and rediscovering, or in some cases, building anew the local technology that’ll help to rebuild the communities of place that have been focused on food for millennia and only recently been eroded. They are both masterful storytellers, bringing enthusiasm and the spark of hope to something that touches us all.

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River Charters, Net Zero Cities and BioRegional Banks: Creating a Life-Ennobling Economic System with Emily Harris of Dark Matter Labs

River Charters, Net Zero Cities and BioRegional Banks: Creating a Life-Ennobling Economic System with Emily Harris of Dark Matter Labs

Emily unveils the bold concept of life-enabling economics and the radical aspiration of establishing bioregional banks — a system where money is no longer a mere transactional tool but a means to foster a thriving web of life. From the Findhorn watershed initiative to the Sheffield River Don project, Emily details practical steps towards making these ideas a reality, including the creation of relationship registers and multivalent currencies like ‘river coins’.

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Dung Beetles, People and helping the Keystone Species with Claire Whittle, the Regenerative Vet

Dung Beetles, People and helping the Keystone Species with Claire Whittle, the Regenerative Vet

A moving and deeply authentic conversation with Claire Whittle about her journey from traditional large animal vet to advocate for the human capacity to engage with the natural world, for our ability to become a positive keystone species and for farming to become a lower stressed, lower input, far more wholistic experience than it generally is.

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End State: 9 Ways Society is Broken and How we Fix it, with James Plunkett

End State: 9 Ways Society is Broken and How we Fix it, with James Plunkett

This week, I spoke with James Plunkett, a man who has spent his career at the intersection of policy and social change. From the halls of Number Ten to the charity sector’s front lines, James’s unique perspective has birthed a book that critically examines what’s wrong with our society and offers tangible fixes. Together, we dissect our societal challenges, from outdated institutions to the technology of gods, and discuss structured ways to mend a fractured system.

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