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Episodes 46-60

#60  Models of Mind: bringing emotional intelligence into the heart of governance with Rachel Lilley

How different would our world be if we understood how our minds – and feelings – worked? How would our workplaces change if everyone was doing their best to understand how everyone else experienced the world? Dr Rachel Lilley describes how shifting our perspectives changes everything – from work to home to government.

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#59  Kindness, tribalism, faith, hope: exploring Christianity in the climate crisis with David Blower

Kindness costs nothing and it enhances our lives and those around us. And yet our world is full of random acts of unkindness. How can we change this? How can we extend the boundaries of faith and spirituality to bring the best of ourselves to a world in crisis?

Podcaster, musician, writer, theologian – and deep spiritual activist – David Blower talks about Christianity and kindness and the climate crisis.

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#58 The Ocean is Alive: Ocean-shaman Glenn Edney speaks of the living waters of the Earth 

What if the Ocean were a living thing, in the way that the earth breathes as Gaia? The Maori say that if the Ocean is healthy, so, too, will the people be healthy.  And we are not healthy – nor is the Ocean.

But we are intimately linked and Glenn Edney, Ocean Deep Ecologist explains how – and what we can do to heal ourselves and the waters of the Earth.

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#57  Trust The People: radical inclusivity and the future of democracy

How would our world feel if our local, regional and national politics really listened to all the people, really brought together diverse views, and knew how to listen deeply to whatever was said? How would we be if our politics brought out the best in all of us, and worked for the living planet? We talk to Trust The People, a new movement to bring this about – globally

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#56 Four arrows flying: Alnoor Ladha activist and visionary on changing the stories we tell ourselves

What if we could see the nature of the stories that drive us, how would we be? Would we be able to change them? And what would we want in their place?

This week, Alnoor Ladha, mystic, visionary, activist and regenerative farmer explores the four ways to change the world.

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#55  Building Soil: Healing the Earth: Feeding Humanity – Regenerative Farming with Navona Gallegos

What if we had a way to draw carbon out of the air, heal our ecosystems and feed the world? We do: It’s called Regenerative Agriculture and the understanding of how we do this is key to a flourishing future. But we need to listen to the land first, as Navona Gallegos describes in this week’s podcast.

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#54  All the Best of 2020: Books and Podcasts that will lift you into the new year – and beyond

An end-of-year round up of the best fiction and non-fiction books – and podcasts – of 2020. All are my opinion and this is only a tiny selection of the really good stuff out there – But it’s good. Enjoy!

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#53  Birthday/Solstice Celebration: a new Anniversary tradition, with Della Duncan and Nathalie Nahai

It’s our Birthday… and it’s the December Solstice, the time of transition and potential transformation . In honour of which, we are crafting a new tradition: a PodBoom shared with Della Duncan of Upstream podcast and Nathalie Nahai of The Hive.

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#52  Living to Learn: transforming education with Rachel Musson of ThoughtBox

How can we make learning a genuinely transformational experience? One that’s fun, and inspiring and that teaches us how to think, not what to think? Rachel Musson had given her life to asking this question and ThoughtBox is her answer.

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#51  The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Responding to Climate Change with Dr Paul Behrens

How bad are things really? Is it too late to avert the climate and ecological catastrophe?

And if not, how do we pull ourselves back from the brink?

Exploring answers with Professor Paul Behrens, author of The Best of Times, The Worst of Times.

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#50  Breaking the Rules to save the world: How to be More Pirate, with Alex Barker

How can we take the radical, renegade, rule-breaking, revolutionary ideals of the golden age of Pirates and transmute them to gold in our world?

Alex Barker, author of How to be More Pirate lays out the maps to the treasure of change.


#49  Spiritual Activism, Raw Courage and Being the Change: Sophie Miller of the Red Rebel Brigade

In the midst of nonviolent direct action, is a red thread, holding the liminal space between the old and the new, between action and re-action, between hope and extinction. The Red Rebel Brigade is a distinctive feature of XR Actions and here we have a glimpse from the inside.


#48  Codes for a Healthy Earth: New rules for a flourishing world with Shelley Ostroff

We cannot save the planet by playing by the rules, so the rules have to be changed.” (Greta Thunberg)

So how do we change them? What new rules might we all sign up to? Shelley Ostroff talks of her Earth Codes as a basis for a generative future.

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#47  Adapting Business: creating jobs that feel worthwhile with Mike Raven of AQai

How do we shift the narratives of business so that it becomes part of the solution, not the core of the problem?

Mike Raven of AQAI explores the ways business can adapt – and become part of a genuinely regenerative future.


#46  City Repair: Planet Repair: Human Repair. Mark Lakeman on building regenerative cities

How can we rebuild our cities to become place of community, connection and coherence? How can we build multi-generational tribes that thrive and support each other in the hearts of our urban areas? Mark Lakeman of the City Repair project explains the changes he has made – and continues to make.



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