EPISODES 256-270
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#270 HeartFood – Healing our communities with Food grown on Regenerative Farms with Erin Martin of FreshRxOK
What happens when people with chronic, unstable diabetes eat food grown in local, regenerative farms? Erin Martin shares the dramatic improvements in health her group FreshRxOK saw in Oklahoma when they instigated a ‘Food as Medicine’ programme, offering real food with good nutrient density to diabetic patients in some of the poorest communities.
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#269 Radical Creativity: creating a Global Council of Women with Jenny Grettve of EIT Culture and Creativity
How can we bring wisdom to those with power and power to those with wisdom? If we were to step into elder hood and bring the best of ourselves to the table, could we create governance structures that would help to heal our cultural divides, create equity and guide is wisely through the coming crisis?
Jenny Grettve believes we can and has set up a global council to make this happen.
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#268 The Phoenix Always Rises: Evolving into the Future Human with Prof Chris Bache, Author of LSD and the Mind of the Universe
Five years ago when we began, it was possible to imagine that the world might stabilise with a vestige of the old system as a scaffold for the new. That assumption is growing increasingly ragged. It’s now becoming clear, at least to me, that the shifts we need to be in the world are primarily inner; that the truly urgent work is in healing both our own and the global human psyches, that we need urgently to remember how to connect with the web of life so that we can ask it ‘What do you want of me?’ and respond to the answers in real time. That we need, in short. to evolve.
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#267 Democracy Rising: Making 2025 the year we recover from Peak Polarisation with Audrey Tang, Ambassador at Large for a safer, kinder world
Is it possible that 2024 might be the year of ‘Peak polarisation’ around the world and that from hereon in humanity might grow less divided, not more; that we might use technology and social media wisely to bring the best of ourselves to the table, becoming the best we can be in service to life? Audrey Tang certainly thinks so and an this wide-deep, mind-expanding conversation, we explore everything from the dual nature of AGI to the potential for liberational education that gives young people a sense of agency, interaction and the common good, to ways to rescue democracy to recipes for sound sleep.
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#266 Heart of Oak: Talking Druidry, Spirituality and the nature of Magic in the MetaCrisis with Philip Carr-Gomm
How is Druidry alive in the contemporary world? What are the values and practices that make it so suited to the inflexion point of the moment? Why – and how – does it mesh so well with other, more spiritual traditions? And how does the practice of Will, the honing of intent, create the magic we need to see in our world?
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#265 Solstice Cheer: Three Friends uphold a Podcasting Tradition with Della Duncan, Nathalie Nahai and Manda Scott
This is the fifth year of our traditional Winter Solstice podcast gathering in which Nathalie Nahai, Della Duncan and I sit around our virtual dark-nights fire to reflect on the podcasting year just gone and explore what has changed for us since the last time we three met in one place. By any measure, this year has been pretty turbulent and our capacity to predict anything at all for 2025 is fairly ragged, but that doesn’t stop us from celebrating Della’s news, and sharing the ways we find stability and maintain sanity in a world that feels increasingly precarious. Whatever else is happening, friendship is the glue that builds community and all of us – we who make the podcasts and everyone who listens – are building a de facto community of passion and purpose.
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#Bonus – Seven Generations Perspective Meditation for December 2024
This meditation aims to offer a long-wide-deep perspective on our place as conscious nodes in the web of life – the journey that brought us here and the places humanity may go. Please give yourself plenty of time both to experience the journey and to reflect afterwards. If it helps to write down your feelings, images, ideas or sensations afterwards, please do.
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#Bonus – Must Read, Must Listen, Must View: Manda’s favourite books, podcasts and videos this Winter Season
It’s that time of year – when all we really want is to curl up and reflect, go inside, become the potential that will arise in the unfolding spring. If you want things to listen to or watch or read as you head into the long-nights, then these are (some of) the things that have caught my attention this year. Enjoy!
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#264 The Power of (good) Food with Nick Weir of the Open Food Network
Good, nutritious, affordable – obtainable – food is crucial not just to our survival, but to our flourishing. Knowing that our global food/farming system is broken, how do we transform to something that works at every level? The Open Food Network asks these questions and offers a living, working, transparent, compassionate system that all of us can build on and with.
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#263 Avoiding Burn Out, Fall Out, Drop Out (and Freak Out): Practical Routes to a whole, healed future with Dan McTiernan of Earthbound
Our guest today shares straightforward practices that any of us can do to help us with grounding, attunement, opening and integration so that we can be the nodes in the web of life. This is key: we need to stop trying to think our way out of this with our head minds. It doesn’t work. It’s not going to work. We need to come into our physical bodies, find that truly calming place of peace – and then find connections we can trust with the wider web.
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#262 Adaptation is Here: Launching the TrAd (Transformative Adaptation) Book with Rupert Read and Morgan Philips
As we head rapidly into biophysical and cultural collapse, how do we adapt and transform to the changing realities?
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#261 Holding the Paradox: Navigating a changing world with Andrea Hiott of Making Ways
We are not going back. But how do we go forward now in a world where the old norms are under assault by people who move fast and break everything? How do we find a place of balance and compassion – for ourselves, each other and the More than Human world – so that we can move forward in a way that isn’t just a replaying of the old binaries?
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#260 Being the Best Ancestors we can – with Dr John Izzo of the Elders Action Network
How do we all respond to the seismic events of the US election? Specifically, how do those of us over 50 respond? (and how would the younger generations like us to respond)?
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#Bonus: The System is Dead.
Long live the (new) System!
Thoughts on the US election and self-terminating algorithm it reveals.
It occurs to me that we are now at an inflection point in the WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich and – notionally – Democratic) culture that has been so successful in destroying the ecosphere. So where do we go from here?
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#259 Turning waste into wellbeing, wildlife, food and forests: Bringing permaculture to schools with Elliot Riley
Young people are facing a world where the only certainty is uncertainty. where the only known is the unknown. So what can we do to offer them the best grounding to move forward into the transition to come?
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#258 Having your C.A.K.E. (Compassion, Awareness, Knowledge, Empathy) and sharing what you learn – with Andrew Hale of Dog Centered Care
How does an understanding of what makes dogs tick, help us to understand ourselves and our place in the world? What does it take to feel safe – as a human, or as a dog (or cat, or horse, or… anything)? And how can we help ourselves and each other find regulation in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous)?
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#257 Rethink, Repair, Rebuild – with Natalie Bennett, former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales
How can we achieve total systemic change? And are there politicians anywhere who are ready to make it happen (in a way that supports the continuation of complex life on this planet, not the scorched-earth destruction of the right)?
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#256 The Lama, the Oath and the Web of Treasure Vases – with Cynthia Jurs, author of Summoned by the Earth
How do we recover our birthright as awake, aware nodes in the greater Web of Life? How do we find the compassion and courage to be the best of ourselves? Cynthia Jurs is a Buddhist who has spent the past 34 years carrying out sacred pilgrimages all around the world, burying a network of ’Treasure Vases’ to build a web of compassion and care – and more people are joining her all the time. We can all be part of this.
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