EPISODES 181-195
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#195 Spiritual Activism: Permaculture of land, heart and people with Maddy Harland
Permaculture is so much more than simply a way to connect people to the land and the growing of food: it’s a way we can bring all of ourselves to the project of total systemic change: our minds, bodies, spirits, hearts – and the practicality of what we do.
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#194 This Mighty Heart: exploring the power of Heart Intelligence with Scilla Elworthy
We all know that we need to reconnect to our Heart Minds and to bring our Heart Intelligence up to meet the explosion of left brain intelligence – we just don’t know how to do it. This week’s guest is one of my living heroes – who does have clear, grounded ideas of how to do this.
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#193 Giving Birth to an Alien Intelligence: AI – existential risk or integral part of the solution? With Daniel Thorson
Is AI really an existential risk to humanity (and the biosphere) or can we harness it to be a power for good?
Are Large Language Models likely to subvert our children? Is Generalised AI going to wipe out all life on the planet? I don’t know the answers to these. It may be that nobody knows, but this week’s guest was my go-to when I needed someone with total integrity to help unravel one of the most existential crises of our time, to lay it out as simply as we can without losing the essence of complexity, to help us see the worst cases – and their likelihood – and the best cases, and then to navigate a route past the first and onto the second.
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#192 Walk Deep, Walk true, and Listen to your Dreams: wordsmithing the human spirit with Abigail Morgan Prout
If language creates reality, then those with the skill to balance words on the knife edge of meaning are the leading edge of our new creation. Award-winning poet, Abigail Morgan Prout, shares her work, her relationships and her life in service to the change we need to be in the world.
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#191 A Green New Deal that works for people and planet with Max Ajl
What would a genuinely progressive, regenerative Green New Deal look like if it took into account he well-being of all life on the planet? We discuss the options with Max Ajl, author of A People’s Green New Deal.
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#190 Becoming a Stag Beetle! Living the Interspecies Treaty of Finsbury Park with Ruth Catlow
How does it feel really to step into the feet (or roots, or wings) of other species, to speak on their behalf, to negotiate with humans for a better world?
A shorter bonus episode continues the conversation Manda has with Ruth Catlow this week. You can find the play link for this on the episode page below.
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#189 Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse with Gaya Herrington
What does it take to avoid global collapse? Is there still time? And if so, what are the societal, social, cultural and goal-oriented changes that we need to make to get there? This week’s guest is one of the new generation of super-thinkers who have the capacity, individually and collectively, to bring into being that better future our hearts know is possible.
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#188 Exploding the Myth of a Farm Free Future (and fake meat!) with Chris Smaje
How do we make the case for a fully ecological farming system, that can feed all of us, while restoring the bio-sphere and providing affordable, nutritious food. How can we become a good keystone species – and what does that mean? This second episode with Chris Smaje, explores his new book, Saying No to a Farm Free Future: The Case for an Ecological Food System and against Manufactured Foods.
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#187 Psychedelics: the key to evolution or (yet more) big Pharma hype? With Dr Ros Watts of ACER Integration
Are Medicine Plants a key to our progress as a species? Can they help overcome the mental health crisis in one quick fix? Or is it – as it seems – far more complex than this? With Dr Ros Watts of ACER Integration
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#Bonus: Summer Solstice meditation with Manda Scott
It’s the summer solstice, the longest day and the shortest night. What matters now in our world is that we reconnect with the rhythms of the living web. This meditation is designed to help you connect to the rising sun on this day of longest light. As with all meditations, please find a safe, quiet place where you can be completely undisturbed for the duration of the meditation – and a short while afterwards.
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This version of the summer solstice meditation has periods of silence in which you can explore your own feelings and observe the focus of your awareness.
This version of meditation has birdsong overlaid so there is no silence.
#186 Manda’s Summer Solstice roundup of books, podcasts and life
At the halfway point of the year, Manda looks back on what’s been on the podcast, forward at (some of) what’s to come, thoughts on where we’re at as a world, and explores the books and podcasts that have stood out in the past six months.
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#185 The Sacred Depths of Nature: exploring the interface of science, spirituality and religion with Ursula Goodenough
How do we merge the best of science with an earth-based spirituality that focuses our attention on the thriving of the web of life?
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#184 Reality Check: Less Quantity, More Quality – part 4 of our series with Simon Michaux
What does the world look like in 2050 if we make good choices now? We decided to put this episode out now as a bonus because Simon shares some ideas he hasn’t spoken about anywhere else…
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#183 Lifeboats and Volcanoes: part 3 of our series with Simon Michaux
If we’re using too much power, how much do we need? And how much can we reasonably expect to produce in the near term as we phase out fossil fuels? What will our energy infrastructure look like and what are our options?
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#182 Primary Strategy: Growing a new voting paradigm in the South Devon Primary
How do we introduce genuine democracy to our broken voting system? South Devon Primary group have an idea that could change everything.
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#181 No More Fairy Stories: Writing the way through, one tale at a time with Denise Baden
We know we have most of the answers to the poly crisis. Our challenge is getting them into the mainstream. And that means we need to understand what works when we craft our new narratives of how the world could look and feel.
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