
Welcome to Accidental Gods –  the podcast where we believe that another world is still possible, and that together, we can create a future we’d be proud to leave to the generations that come after us.

Our aim is to provide the tools we could ever need to understand the potential of this moment – and ourselves within it.

In a world where ideas grow faster than anything, we curate the cutting edge of neuroscience and psycho-technologies, connected spirituality and resilience, politics, philosophy and human creativity so that together, in all our diversity, we can choose a different future.

We’re giving voice to those at the leading edge of change so that we can all learn new ways to be, to live, to create community and to co-create world where people and planet flourish and we live as integral threads in the web of life.


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#232  Writing The Deluge: Dark nights, Apocalypse and Hope with author Stephen Markley

Author Stephen Markley opens the doors to The Deluge, his ground-breaking, world-changing Climate/MetaCrisis thriller- 900 pages that absolutely squarely rips into the current system in all its deficiencies – and offers a route through to a future that might work.

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#231  Eco-Spirituality – Exploring Deep in the Woods of the Divine with Woodford Roberts and Rupert Read

In this deep, thoughtful conversation, two of the men at the heart of the Climate Majority Project discuss their own journeys into eco-spirituality – what they believe it to be and why it’s a core, foundational bedrock of their lives.

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#230  What do we really think about Food? Revolutionising what we eat with Sue Pritchard of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

This inspiring conversation with Sue Pritchard was sparked by the FFCC’s inspiring Food Conversation – which brings together ordinary people and begins to unpick the web of deceit surrounding our food – and replaces it with something that is real and decent and nourishing on a physical and systemic level. This was such an inspiring, invigorating conversation and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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#229  How do we live, when under the surface of everything is an ocean of tears? With Douglas Rushkoff of Team Human

Douglas Rushkoff shares with us the palpable “ocean of tears” lurking beneath the surface of our collective consciousness—a reservoir of compassion waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. His candid reflections on the human condition, amidst the cacophony of a world in crisis, remind us of the importance of bearing witness to the pains and joys that surround us. He challenges us to consider the role of technology and AI not as tools for capitalist exploitation but as potential pathways to a more humane and interconnected existence.

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#228  Evolving Education: Building a Doughnut School with Jenny Grettve of When!When!

Jenny Grettve’s heart-mind is huge and deep and we explored many areas of the transformation that’s coming, from the evolution of a primary school along Doughnut Economic lines to the future of architecture, to the role of systems thinking in our political, social and, in the end, human, evolution. It was a truly heart-warming conversation and I hope it helps you, too, to think to the edges of yourself.

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#227  Building Trust, One Conversation at at Time: Cooperation Hull with Gully Bujak

This podcast exists to open doors, to let the world know some of the many, many things that are happening around the world to bring us closer towards that just, equitable and regenerative future we’d be proud to leave behind. And this week’s guest is someone who lives, works and acts at the cutting edge of possibility.

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#226  Vulture Capitalism – Exposing the toxic system and how to outgrow it with Grace Blakeley

This week’s guest is one of those who understands the nuts and bolts – the iniquities – of the current system – and has ideas of how we can shape something better from the hot mess of corruption and greed in which we’re mired. Grace Blakeley is a staff writer at Tribune Magazine and author of  ‘Vulture Capitalism: Corporate Crimes, Backdoor Bailouts and the Death of Freedom’ in which she peels back the layers of our economic system, exposing the stark realities hidden beneath the veneer of ‘free markets’ and ‘democratic’ institutions.

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#Bonus: Meditation for the Spring Equinox 2024, with Manda Scott

This guided visualisation walks us into the moment of balance between the long nights and the long days, the restorative time of winter and the outward-acting time of summer, between being to doing.
Please take time for yourself to sit quietly, perhaps light a candle, or otherwise create a space out of time that has meaning for you. It doesn’t have to be at the moment of the equinox, whenever that is for you, wherever you are in the world, it’s the connection that counts, the marking of the day. 

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#225  The Right to Grow: Exploring Seed Sovereignty with Sinead Fortune and Kate Hastings of the Gaia Foundation

Our guests today are two remarkable women who bring energy, commitment and deep thought into building communities of food both nationally and internationally, in bringing ancient local species back from the brink of extinction and rediscovering, or in some cases, building anew the local technology that’ll help to rebuild the communities of place that have been focused on food for millennia and only recently been eroded. They are both masterful storytellers, bringing enthusiasm and the spark of hope to something that touches us all.

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#224 Finding a Cure for Civilisation: Delving Deep into the Roots of Being with visionary and shaman, Drea Burbank of Savimbo

For those who are ready to be part of the monumental shift we need, to stand with the guardians of our planet’s remaining wilderness, this episode is an essential listen. Join us as we explore the profound connections between human healing and planetary health, where the fight for nature’s rights is a fight for our collective future.

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#223  River Charters, Net Zero Cities and BioRegional Banks: Creating a Life-Ennobling Economic System with Emily Harris of Dark Matter Labs

We discuss the bold concept of life-enabling economics (LEE) and the radical aspiration of establishing bioregional banks — a system where money is no longer a mere transactional tool but a means to foster a thriving web of life. From the a watershed-scale project in Scotland to the Sheffield River Don project, Emily details practical steps towards making these ideas a reality, including the creation of relationship registers and multivalent currencies like ‘river coins’.

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